The Center for Government Services (CGS) has been providing timely and relevant training for New Jersey state and local officials for over 70 years. The Center was established in 1991 from the consolidation of the Bureau of Government Research (created in 1950) and the Department of Government Services.

Our mission is to improve the knowledge, competency, and professionalism of state and local government officials and employees. We have trained thousands of individuals in a variety of fields including municipal finance, housing inspection and code enforcement, education facilities management, public purchasing, planning and zoning and municipal administration to name a few. The Center has been frequently designated by the New Jersey Legislature to offer state-mandated training for municipal officials, and as a result, is often called upon to certify that participants in its programs have demonstrated the competence and skills to perform their duties and responsibilities in a professional manner that is appropriate and consistent with standards for high quality public services.

With our partners, the Center for Executive Leadership in Government (CELG) we train more than 8,000 individuals each year through 22 separate programs that include more than 750 individual courses, seminars, and conferences. Courses are held throughout the state during the year at locations convenient to our students. They are taught by highly trained practicing professionals whose expertise reflects both theoretical and practical considerations.

We invite you to learn more about our programs and services by contacting one of our staff. It is our honor to serve the state and municipal employees of New Jersey.