Registration Information

Register Here

Enroll now in one of our upcoming classes or seminars.

To register with a Purchase Order (PO), complete the Registration Form and submit a copy of the PO.

PO Registration Form

To register using a credit card or e-check, please:

Register with Credit Card


Online registrations (with credit card or e-check only) are currently accepted. Click on the “Register Online” button in the left column.

Before a student is officially enrolled in a course, payment must be authorized or secured, and the student must meet all prerequisites associated with the course. A student who has a delinquent account with CGS will not be permitted to enroll in any additional courses offered by the Center until the delinquency is resolved.

Online Courses

All registrations for online/distant learning courses must be received NO LATER than three business days before the class begins. Late registrations will not be accepted.

All course manuals and materials for online courses will be delivered electronically only.

In-person Courses

To ensure that course materials are available the first session of your in-person course, it is strongly recommended you register at least one week prior to the course start date.


Online Course Expectations for Students

NOTE: By registering for any courses offered by Rutgers CGS, students agree to uphold the Academic Integrity Pledge, as well as follow Mandatory Technical Requirements for Synchronous Remote Learning.

Academic Integrity Pledge 

Rutgers University, Center for Government Services, affirms the importance of Academic integrity to our values. The Academic Integrity Honor Code emphasizes the importance of academic integrity, personal pride, honor and accountability; and these are the standards to which students are expected to adhere in the CGS course environment. Academic integrity means that others (your instructors, Rutgers staff, the State certification agencies) can trust you. Having academic integrity is also important because it provides value to your course certification.

Moving forward with your class work and final exam, we require that you agree to uphold the Academic Integrity Pledge. We will also add the following statement to your final exam: “On my honor, I have neither received nor given any unauthorized assistance on this examination.

ANY VIOLATION OF THE Academic Integrity Pledge will result in a course failure.

Academic Integrity Pledge

As a student at the Rutgers University Center for Government Services, I pledge myself to the highest standards for academic and personal integrity, and agree to the follwing as demonstrated by my signature.

I pledge the work in this course will be my own.

I pledge not to allow others to copy or present my work as their work.

I pledge not to commit any acts of plagiarism.

I pledge not to cite and reference any work obtained from resources.

I pledge not to lie, cheat, or steal to gain academic advantage.

I pledge not to share any test or information from tests with anyone.

I pledge to oppose every instance of academic dishonesty.

I understand that any act of academic dishonesty is a direct violation of the Student Code and will have consequences, up to and including failing the course, as outlined in the College Catalog and Student Handbook.

Furthermore, I realize that any compromise of these standards will result in course failure.

Mandatory Technical Requirements for Synchronous Remote Learning

Rutgers CGS has made a decision to continue offering remote learning for most CGS courses. The courses are delivered both synchronously and asynchronously.

SYNCHRONOUS CLASSES meet on specific Days of the Week and at Specific Times. A synchronous class meets live and remotely, with a specific Learning Management System, usually Canvas, Webex or Zoom. Students are required to be logged-in and in virtual attendance during the entire specified class time. This on-line synchronous format emulates the face-to-face classroom experience and all students will be meeting together with the instructor at the designated times.

Additionally, it is expected that instructors will be taking periodic attendance during a synchronous class session to address situations where a student’s camera may be off or inoperable. Students are strongly encouraged to test their equipment before a class begins to ensure that all equipment is in working order.

When ASYNCHRONOUS REMOTE classes are offered, students will log-in at a time of their choosing and their attendance will be recorded automatically. This format, provides flexibility for students who have difficulty being logged in at a particular time for remote learning. These courses ARE NOT self-paced; there is a weekly schedule of assignments and work submissions beginning the first week of classes and opportunities for live, remote interaction.

While the universal elements of learning are the same, there are critical differences between face-to-face learning and on-line learning. As a result, there are some special expectations for remote learning courses. The differences are primarily related to mandatory access to a computer for a student which contains a speaker, a microphone and a camera.. Cameras are also required and students must be able to turn the camera on upon the instructor’s request.

Your instructor may provide more information regarding your specific course. Students experiencing technical challenges with their equipment are expected to discuss these issues with their instructor.

The speaker, camera and microphone enable the student to see the course content/materials as displayed by the instructor; moreover, they allow the student to participate in class discussions. All of these elements are critical to a student’s participation in a course.

Students cannot attend a course using a dial-in number only. Students can, however, dial into the course and use their phone as speaker and microphone in addition to using their computer. It is strongly recommended that students check that their equipment is working before class.

Students who cannot satisfy these expectations should not enroll in this type of course if the requirements above cannot be satisfied.

The universal elements of both face-to-face learning and one-line include:

1. Proof of attendance at each session

2. Acquisition of appropriate course materials

3. Access and familiarity with course content delivered by the instructor

4. Proof of competence related to the course materials and course content

Class Recordings

Any audio or visual recording by students of in-person, online or asynchronous class meetings, lectures, discussion, or other class activities is not allowed without permission of the instructor and all students participating in class. The results of a recording may only be used for personal use; recordings may not be shared, reproduced or distributed. Our classes depend on the students' participation; we provide a safe place for candid discussion and students' questions to facilitate learning. 


Course Fees and Payment

Payment for a student’s participation in a course can be obtained by using any of the following three methods:

  1. Credit card payment (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express or e-check) available only through online registration
  2. Authorized voucher/purchase order must be submitted together with the registration form to secure placement in the course
  3. Check or money order payment by mail 

Course fees vary by program area due to hours of instructional time. Upon receipt of a completed registration form accompanied by payment or a voucher/purchase order, a class space is reserved for the student if the maximum enrollment allows. Registration confirmations are sent electronically.


Email Communications

Some organizations employ measures to their email systems that may prevent CGS/Rutgers email messages from being delivered. If your organization uses such measures, to ensure deliverability of emails from CGS/Rutgers, we recommend that you work with your IT department to whitelist our domain address:


If financing is needed, Sallie Mae and the Rutgers Federal Credit Union offer loan options for education.

Veterans Administration Approved Classroom Programs

The following programs have been approved by the State Approving Agency and Veterans Administration:

  • Certified Public Works Manager
  • NJ Education Facility Management
  • School Transportation Supervisors
  • Municipal Clerk Program
  • Tax Collection Program

Contact Veterans' Support at 848-932-8387 for additional information.


Returned Check Fee Policy

There is a $25 fee for all checks that are returned to CGS. Failure to pay the fee will prevent future course registrations and the withholding of the course certificate.



All requests to change registration status, either by withdrawal or transfer, must be submitted in writing at least two business days before the course start date. Withdrawals will incur a $25 processing fee, and the tuition remainder will be refunded. Failure to notify CGS within the time frame will result in forfeiture of all fees.


Course Cancellation Policy

The Center reserves the right to cancel any course or class. CGS will notify all students enrolled in a course that has been canceled and the information will be posted on the CGS website. Students will be given the choice of receiving a full refund for the course canceled by CGS or exercising the option to enroll in the same or another course in this or the following semester. In the event there is a difference in course fees between the course that was canceled and the alternate course, an adjustment will be made. A student may not select an alternative course that has a prerequisite if the prerequisite has not been met.


Education Credit

Selected courses in the CGS program qualify for continuing education credit toward renewal of certain professional licenses and academic credit. Program pages on the CGS website list the specific courses where continuing education credit is available.


CPE Continuing Education Credit

Selected courses in the CGS program are approved by the New Jersey State Board of Accountancy for CPE credit under Rutgers University sponsor #703.



Certificates are mailed to students after successful completion of the course, which is defined as 80% attendance of total course hours, a passing grade (if an examination is required) and full payment of all fees. A permanent record of courses taken is maintained by the Center. Note: The Affordable Housing Professionals & Public Housing and Municipal Redevelopment programs will only issue program completion certificates, not course completion certificates.


Special Needs Students

Students with special needs are encouraged to contact CGS so that appropriate accommodations may be made.