Municipal Attorney Training

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Enroll now in one of our upcoming classes or seminars.

To register with a Purchase Order (PO), complete the Registration Form and submit a copy of the PO.

PO Registration Form

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For questions about registration, please contact:

Kyshon Mitchell
Secretarial Assistant III


The Diplomate in New Jersey Local Government Law program is a cooperative endeavor between the Center for Government Services (CGS) at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey and the New Jersey Institute of Local Government Attorneys (NJILGA).  The program is designed to provide valuable information on local government law for experienced local government attorneys,  those who have been recently appointed, those who seek local government appointments, and those seeking a better understanding of municipal law. The courses cover a broad area of municipal practice and are taught by attorneys or licensed professionals in their respective disciplines.

Partnering Agency


NJILGA Scholarships

The New Jersey Institute of Local Government Attorneys (NJILGA) has established a scholarship program to assist selected attorneys enrolling in the Municipal Attorney Training Program.  The NJILGA scholarships are intended to assist attorneys who might need financial assistance to take the Diplomate courses. The amount of each scholarship will be determined by NJILGA’s Scholarship Committee based upon availability of funds, number of applicants, qualifications and financial need.  Click here for the application form.   


Course Information 

The Municipal Attorney Training Program is comprised of six courses:

  • Introduction to Local Government Law (12.5 hours)
  • Local Government Liability in New Jersey (9.5 hours)
  • Local Public Contracts Law (6.5 hours)
  • Local Government Real Estate (6.5 hours)
  • Public Sector Labor Law (6.5 hours)
  • Municipal Financial Management (6.5 hours)

Students can choose to take one or several of the above listed courses.  Those seeking to obtain Rutgers University’s Diplomate certificate must successfully complete all six courses in the program and apply to the University for the Diplomate certificate.  Diplomates must accrue continuing education credits and renew their certificates with Rutgers per the program guidelines.  The Diplomate application and certificate renewal information are available below.

Request a Duplicate Certificate

Course Schedule

All registrations for online/distant learning and in-person courses must be received NO LATER than three business days before the class begins. Late registrations will NOT be accepted.

Please visit the Registration page for important information regarding online course expectations and registration.

Introduction to Local Government Law

Course Code: MA-2001-SP25-1

3/6, 3/13, 3/20, 3/27*

11:00-2:00; 11:00-2:30*

Dennis Galvin


Online: Zoom, all live sessions


Local Government Liability in New Jersey

Course Code: MA-2002-SP25-1

4/3, 4/10, 4/17*

3:00pm-6:00pm; 3:00pm-6:30pm*

Robert Renaud


Online: Zoom, all live sessions

Local Public Contracts Law

Course Code: MA-2003




Credit/CEU/Hours: 12 hours

This course covers the basic elements of municipal government, including NJ governmental forms and structure; officials, departments, and agencies; ordinances, resolutions and directives; regulations; contracting; municipal consolidation and shared services; taxation; alcoholic beverage control; tort claims act; open public meetings and records acts; ethics and conflicts of interest; initiative and referendum; vacancy law; recall election law; and more.

Credit/CEU/Hours: 9 hours

This course covers an overview and history of local government liability; procedural aspects and Notice of Claim and Statute of Limitations; liability and immunity of entities and employees; defense and indemnification; forum and venue; specific claims/cases; limitations and conditions of suit and judgment; § 1983 Claims; N.J. Civil Rights Act; Attorneys’ Fees; as well as the Punitive Damages Act and Public entities and employees.

Credit/CEU/Hours: 6 hours

This course will cover the Local Land and Buildings Law including scope and acquisition, disposition, exchanges, the New Jersey Constitution -- Anti-Donation Clause and the New Jersey Land Bank Law. It will also discuss eminent domain and relocation regulations as well as the redevelopment process and tax abatements in redevelopment areas.

Credit/CEU/Hours: 6 hours

This course details The Local Public Contracts Law & Rules, which greatly impact public procurement processes in New Jersey. Topics cover the establishment and authority of a purchasing agent and Qualified Purchasing Agent; bid thresholds; preparation of bid specifications/Requests for Proposals; competitive bidding requirements; term of contracts; statutory bid process; receipt of formal bids; award of a contract over the bid threshold; disqualification of bidder; and more.

Credit/CEU/Hours: 6 hours

The goal of the course is to develop competencies for attorneys to have a critical understanding of financial rules and regulations governing New Jersey Certified Municipal Finance Officers.  Course attendees will understand what Municipal Finance Officers are required to comply with, and, as municipal attorneys, how to best assist in the implementation of these financial requirements.   The course is organized in three parts: The Finance Office; Financial Management; Other Requirements/Reporting.

Credit/CEU/Hours: 6 hours

This course provides an overview of public sector labor relations including the scope of negotiations in public employment and the negotiation process; arbitration; practice and procedure before PERC and the courts; employee discipline; and current issues impacting public labor laws in New Jersey.

Continuing Education Information

Courses have been approved by the Supreme Court of New Jersey's Board on Continuing Legal Education.  Official credit information will be provided to registered students after successfully completing each course.  Credits are subject to change under oversight of the Board.

Introduction to Local Government Law - 12 CLEs 

Local Government Liability in New Jersey - 9 CLEs

Local Public Contracts Law - 6 CLEs

Local Government Real Estate - 6 CLEs

Public Sector Labor Law - 6 CLEs

Municipal Financial Management - 6 CLEs

Courses have been approved for continuing education credits by the NJ DCA's Division of Local Government Services.  Official credit information will be provided to registered students after completing each course.  Credits are subjects to change under oversight of the DCA.

Introduction to Local Government Law - CMFO/CCFO; CTC; CPWM; RMC; QPA

Local Government Liability in New Jersey - CMFO/CCFO; CPWM; RMC

Local Public Contracts Law - CMFO/CCFO; CTC; CPWM; RMC; QPA

Local Government Real Estate - CMFO/CCFO; CTC; CPWM; RMC; QPA

Public Sector Labor Law - CMFO/CCFO; CTC; CPWM; RMC; QPA

Municipal Financial Management - CMFO/CCFO; CTC

Students seeking to obtain Rutgers University’s Diplomate certificate must successfully complete all six courses in the program and apply to the University for the Diplomate certificate.  Diplomates must accrue continuing education credits and renew their certificates with Rutgers per the program guidelines. 

Individuals interested in obtaining the Diplomate Certificate must submit the application form and required documentation.  Please follow the instructions on the application form to expedite processing.

What is required for renewal? 

All Rutgers University Diplomates in New Jersey Local Government Law must accrue continuing education units to renew their Diplomate Certificate.  Diplomates must acquire 24 CEUs every 2 years for the certificate to be considered active and in good standing.   

1 CEU = 50 educational minutes 

Diplomate certificates expire December 31st two years after issuance.  The date of expiration is printed on the individual certificates for easy reference.  All Diplomates seeking recertification must submit a recertification application and associated documentation to Rutgers Center for Government Services for renewal.  The renewal application form will be posted to our website.  Renewal applications take up to 30 days to process. 

How do I earn CEUs? 

Rutgers will offer periodic continuing education seminars approved for Diplomate credits.  These opportunities will be posted to the Rutgers CGS website. 

The New Jersey Institute of Local Government Attorneys (NJILGA) also offers periodic seminars approved for  credits.

Other continuing education seminars may be approved for Diplomate renewals on topics related to local government law.  Diplomates may contact the Center to ensure a session is appropriate for credit prior to attending.  Diplomates will be required to submit proof of attendance from seminars sponsored by outside agencies with their renewal applications for review by CGS.